Available Projects Nov-Dec.





The older you get
18x24 framed
18x24 framed
The two most important
17x18 slated sign
17x18 slated sign
Always be yourself/ pirate
18x24” framed 
18x24” framed 
Get Naked just kidding
I love you a bushel
There are 4 seasons
Praise be to the Lord
Life is better at the lake
Come sit on the porch
If your doodies be cray
3D hello door hanger
What if you woke up
I still remember...
It is well
18x18” framed
18x18” framed
But first coffee
6x24” includes 4 hooks 
6x24” includes 4 hooks 
The last names- slated
14x24 slated sign.  Twine and clips added to attach a photo. 
14x24 slated sign.  Twine and clips added to attach a photo. 
Bathroom Rules
18x24” framed
18x24” framed
Laundry Co. - ironing board shape
Life is better in the country
It is well
12x24” framed
12x24” framed
All grandchildren...
Grandkids spoiled here
Grandkids welcome
12x24” framed
12x24” framed
Grandkids make life grand