Hi, my name is Syndi Bergersen and I own Get Crafty with Me. What is Get Crafty with Me? Get Crafty with Me is a traveling craft workshop. I come with everything you need to complete your project. We build things, paint, stencil, free hand, sand, stain etc. You will learn some new skills at a Get Crafty with Me workshop. I have been teaching craft classes for more than 25 years. I started my journey as a craft business owner trying to earn extra money as I was homeschooling my daughter. I started teaching classes at a local church through their MOPS program. I had a home based crafting business for 5 years. I started to teach again, trying to bring business to my husbands winery (Solitary Cellars Wine Company). The events were so well received that I started doing them at other businesses and homes. I have now expanded into DIY Workshops at businesses, home parties, fund raisers, team building nights, retreat activities, wedding showers, bachelorette parties, kid/adult birthday parties and more! We have found success in customizing the crafting options to the specific events. Our DIY workshops take 2.5 hours to complete and bring happiness to all who attend. If you would like more information about hosting your own workshop, let us know! We love having them and strive to provide a wonderful experience for ALL!
I have been asked a lot of times how did I come up with the name Get Crafty with Me. Well, I am a big Bret Michaels fan. He has a song "Talk Dirty to Me". That got me going in the direction of Get Crafty with Me!